The Amazon S3 output plugin allows you to ingest your records into the S3 cloud object store. The plugin can upload data to S3 using the multipart upload API or using S3 PutObject.
How to run AWS CLI within a Lambda function
Learn how to setup lambda execution environment to run awscli commands.
How to Stream Data from Amazon DynamoDB to Amazon S3 using AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis Firehose and analyse using Microsoft Power BI
With DynamoDB Streams and the data-transformation feature of Amazon Kinesis Firehose, you have a powerful and scalable way to replicate data from DynamoDB into data sources such as S3 and then analyse using Power BI
How to create AWS Glue crawler to crawl Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon S3 data store
Crawlers can crawl both file-based and table-based data stores. Crawlers can crawl the following data stores – Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) & Amazon DynamoDB
How to integrate Azure Repos Git with AWS CodePipeline
This blog post will cover how to integrate AWS CodePipeline with Azure Repos Git.
How to protect resources in CloudFormation Stack from being Deleted or Replaced using Stack Policy
If you have already created a stack with out any stack policy then you can apply stack policy to this stack using AWS CLI only. This can’t be done through Console.
Using PowerBI to securely access AWS S3 objects using presigned URLs
Using Presigned URL, the S3 objects can be accessed securely in PowerBI for limited time.
How to use S3 API (GET, PUT & DELETE) operations for bucket lifecycle using POSTMAN
A lifecycle configuration, an XML file, comprises a set of rules with predefined actions that you want Amazon S3 to perform on objects during their lifetime.
How to generate Content-MD5 value ( base64-encoded 128-bit MD5) of the data
Generate the content-MD5 value to call S3 API operations (PUT & POST) using POSTMAN
How to Get AWS S3 bucket object data using Postman
The contents of a file uploaded to S3 bucket can be accessed via Postman using RestAPI.