You can easily delete pods running on one Node and start them on another Node using codon feature.
How to find the current CPU and Memory usage of all the pods in kubernetes cluster
The kubelet acts as a bridge between the Kubernetes master and the nodes, managing the pods and containers running on a machine. The kubelet translates each pod into its constituent containers and fetches individual container usage statistics from the container runtime through the container runtime interface. The kubelet fetches this information from the integrated cAdvisor for the legacy Docker integration. It then exposes the aggregated pod resource usage statistics through the metrics-server Resource Metrics API.
How to resolve aws-iam-authenticator error “could not load/generate a certificate”
aws-iam-authenticator error “could not load/generate a certificate” can be resolved by terminating master node
PuTTY Agent forwarding to connect to private k8s cluster node from laptop via Bastion
Agent forwarding is a mechanism whereby an SSH client allows an SSH server to use the local agent on the server, the user logs into, as if it was local there.
Using Win 10 server how to create Kubernetes cluster (in AWS) using kops in Existing VPC
You can create kubernetes cluster using kops command in your existing VPC and hosted zone. Kops will create rest of the required AWS resources.