You can use Amazon EC2 Instance Connect which provides a simple and secure way to connect to your instances using Secure Shell (SSH).
How to associate elastic IP to Bastion server created by using kops cluster.yaml template
Your source code is in bitbucket and your bitbucket setting requires whitelisting of server IP. You want to clone the repo on bastion server.
How to install kops, kubectl using additionalUserData in kops cluster.yaml template
Additional user-data can be passed to the host provisioning by setting the additionalUserData field.
PuTTY Agent forwarding to connect to private k8s cluster node from laptop via Bastion
Agent forwarding is a mechanism whereby an SSH client allows an SSH server to use the local agent on the server, the user logs into, as if it was local there.
Using Win 10 server how to create Kubernetes cluster (in AWS) using kops in Existing VPC
You can create kubernetes cluster using kops command in your existing VPC and hosted zone. Kops will create rest of the required AWS resources.