Are you an online buyer? You browse through online sites like Amazon and Flipkart to find the best deal which can save you some money as well as get you item of your choice. But not all the time you find the best deal. You may have to wait for the prices to go down and items to be put on discount sale. Monitoring the favorite items daily basis is not easy. But you can now track the prices of favorite products using online tools.
One of the best site which alerts you through mail when the price of item goes down below your affordable price. You have to browse the item on the site (Amazon or Flipkart) and once you find the item which you would like to track for price, you can take the URL and submit to Alertpedia. The item will be tracked till the price is lower then the price set by you. The mail alert will be sent to alert you immediately as and when the price goes down.
You can track prices of good on Amazon and Flipkart site. In case you want to invest some time and have some spare time then you can track the prices using Google docs. The details can be found at Labnol. Though I believe users should use Alertpedia site because it has no hassles of understanding how Google docs work.
Using Alertpedia helps you get many more features:
-You can get alerted for Real Estate listings
-Get email alerts on new YouTube videos you care about
-Get email alerts about new Content from Facebook Users and Pages
-Get email alerts about Twitter Tweets of interest to you
-Get email alerts about new articles from Tumblr, Blogger, Blogspot, WordPress blogs
-Get email alerts about your favorite companies in news
-Get email alerts about important health news
-Get email alerts when a weather event is reported
There are many more functionalities available. I have quoted some of important ones.