To add a tag to a previous commit in a Git repository that you have cloned locally, you can follow these steps
How to tag an older commit in GitLab repo using Gitlab pipeline
If you’re using GitLab to manage your git repositories, you can run this job to add a tag to older commit.
Some Silly mistakes which sometimes break your head
These are couple of mistakes which became issues and ended breaking my head to fix them. I am sure others also have face such incidents.
How to solve Visual Studio Code commit error “make sure you configure your and in git”
Commit error “make sure you configure your and in git” can be resolved by running the commands in Git terminal
How to resolve ‘git push’ command related permission error
Resolve git command error observed while pushing the code to new github account.
How to integrate Azure Repos Git with AWS CodePipeline
This blog post will cover how to integrate AWS CodePipeline with Azure Repos Git.