This code will help in to read and write excel file using com server.
Sample Excel:
# How to read exel file with win32com # This code will help you to read, write and save exiting excel. import win32com.client from win32com.client import Dispatch xl = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application') wb = xl.Workbooks.Open("C:\\Users\\XYZ\\Documents\\Sample.xlsx") #Get number of sheets in excel document getNumSheet = wb.Worksheets.count print 'Number of sheets : ',getNumSheet #Get name of active sheet getSheetName = wb.Activesheet.Name print 'Active sheet name : ',getSheetName #read all the cells of active sheet as instance readData = wb.Worksheets('Data') allData = readData.UsedRange print 'Data on selected sheet : ',allData # Get number of rows used on active sheet getNumRows = allData.Rows.Count print 'Number of rows used in sheet : ',getNumRows #Get number of columns used on active sheet getNumCols = allData.Columns.Count print 'Number of columns used in sheet : ',getNumCols # Read specific cell on active sheet readCell = allData.Cells(1,2) print 'Data on specific cell : ',readCell # Write on empty cell of active sheet writeData = wb.Worksheets('Data') writeData.Cells(2,2).Value = 'Cell B2' # Overwrite on cell of active sheet writeData.Cells(3,2).Value = '' # Add color to sheet name and background sheet = wb.Worksheets.Item('Data') sheet.Tab.Color = 255 # Save excel doc wb.Save() # Save As current excel doc #wb.SaveAs('updatedSample.xlsx') wb.Close() xl.Quit() xl = None
Number of sheets : 2 Active sheet name : Data Data on selected sheet : ((u'Name', u'Age'), (u'Mark', u'Cell A5'), (u'Adam', None), (u'Jack', 20.0), (u'Subu', 38.0)) Number of rows used in sheet : 5 Number of columns used in sheet : 2 Data on specific cell : Age