When you create a database, you also define a SQL Database server to manage it and place it within Azure resource group in a specified region.
How to protect resources in CloudFormation Stack from being Deleted or Replaced using Stack Policy
If you have already created a stack with out any stack policy then you can apply stack policy to this stack using AWS CLI only. This can’t be done through Console.
How to create self hosted Linux Build Agent using azure release pipeline (ARM template)
Create Self Hosted Linux Build agent using release pipeline (ARM template) and override template parameter values using variables and scope for release pipeline.
How to create self hosted Windows Build Agent using azure release pipeline (ARM template)
Create Self Hosted Windows Build agent using release pipeline (ARM template).
How to create Linux (Ubuntu) VSTS build agent using ARM template in Visual studio 2017
Using ARM template you can create new WLinux VM in a new/existing vNet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack then install the Visual Studio Team Services build agent and all dependencies.
Resolve – FullyQualifiedErrorId : There was an error with the service principal used for the deployment
Error related to Az module observed while running Azure PowerShell task in Azure Release Pipeline on Ubuntu (Linux) can be fixed.
How to connect to Azure Linux VM with SSH (no password)
SSH is an encrypted connection protocol that allows secure sign-ins over unsecured connections. SSH is the default connection protocol for Linux VMs hosted in Azure.
Resolve PowerShell and VS 2017 community edition errors
Resolve error like “The term ‘Get-AzureRmEnvironment’ is not recognized”
How to create windows VSTS build agent using ARM template in Visual studio 2017
Using ARM template you can create new Windows VM in a new vnet, storage account, nic, and public ip with the new compute stack then install the Visual Studio Team Services build agent.
Using PowerBI to securely access AWS S3 objects using presigned URLs
Using Presigned URL, the S3 objects can be accessed securely in PowerBI for limited time.