When your build or deployment runs, the system begins one or more jobs. An agent is installable software that runs one build or deployment job at a time. You can set up and manage an agent on your own to run build and deployment jobs. After you’ve installed the agent on a machine, you can install any other software on that machine as required by your build or deployment jobs.


  • Login to portal.azure.com
  • Provision a Ubuntu 16.04 VM. This VM will be used to setup the build agent.
  • Login to your Dev project in DevOps (https://dev.azure.com/<your project name>)
  • Go to Project Settings–>Pipelines–>Agent Pools and click on New Agent Pool.



































  • Enter a name for the agent and click OK:









  • Once the Agent Pool is created, select the pool and click on “Download Agent”. On the new pop-up window click on Linux tab:




























  • Login to VM using PuTTY (from windows desktop)
  • Create the agent folder using the below command: mkdir myagent && cd myagent




  • Download the agent using below command: wget https://vstsagentpackage.azureedge.net/agent/2.146.0/vsts-agent-linux-x64-2.146.0.tar.gz










  • Unzip the content using below command: tar zxvf ./vsts-agent-linux-x64-2.146.0.tar.gz



  • Once the contents are extracted, configure the agent using the command: ./config.sh
  • Provide the server URL: (https://dev.azure.com/<your project name>), PAT key, and agent pool name which you created earlier:
  • Note: For generating PAT key follow the steps provided in this link – PAT key















  • Once the agent is configured, it will show as below under your agent pool:











  • It is still not available to use, notice the RED color status.
  • To start the agent in interactive mode, run the command: ./run.sh












  • The agent will be available to take build tasks now. The status shows GREEN.


Note: While executing the ./config.sh command if you received the below error then execute this command to install required dependencies- sudo ./bin/installdependencies.sh






To setup Self-Hosted build agent on Windows, you can follow this link: