Google Maps provides a lot of features to view your city and surroundings in different ways – Photos, Street View, Webcam view and 3D view.
It is easy to navigate on Google Maps and check the photos and Street View but if you want to show the same to your relatives and close friends who don’t have internet access then you can still share the video of the street view. You don’t need to go on Street with Camera to record the View.
While you navigate and browse through the Street View on Google Maps, you can capture the View using screen capture tools like Camtasia. There are lots of tools freely available which can support high definition video capture. I used Camtasia trial version to record the street view of my place.
Steps to make the Video-
-Open Google Maps
-Navigate to your Location using Maps.
-Before starting Street View, start Camtasia capture tool.
-Record the navigation through streets.
-Save the Video and share it with friends and relatives.