How to Download or Upload Compressed File from/to Web Host Server using WinSCP FTP Client

 Steps to download or upload compressed file using WinSCP FTP client:

Download and install WinSCP ftp client

Invoke WinSCP FTP client

Create new session by clicking ‘New’ button on top right

Select following-

File Protocol – FTP

Hostname – your webhost FTP server name (ask host provider if not aware of)

Port number – 21

Username – FTPuser name (ask host provider if not aware of)

Password – FTPuser password (ask host provider if not aware of)

Click ‘Save’ button. It will ask whether the password should be saved or not. If not saved then every time you invoke WinSCP you have to provide password to connect to your web host ftp server.

Once connected you will see screen something like this-

Left side shows your local drive and right side shows the File Manager on web host server.

Now if you want to upload a file from local drive to Web Host server then select the file in left panel and drag and drop it on right side panel. It will be uploaded to web host server.

If you want to download a file from Web Host server to local drive then select the file in right panel and drag and drop it on left side panel. It will be downloaded to local drive.


There are many other ftp clients available which can be used instead of WinSCP client. FileZilla is another great ftp client which can be used to upload or download compressed files using ftp.