Publishing a Docker image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is a bit different than it works with other containers. In this article, you will learn how to build and publish a Docker image using Github Actions (workflow).
Some Silly mistakes which sometimes break your head
These are couple of mistakes which became issues and ended breaking my head to fix them. I am sure others also have face such incidents.
How to connect your Google Domain to AWS S3 hosted static website
This article will help you to host your website in Amazon S3 though your domain name is registered with Google.
How to Automatically Update AWS ELB’s Security Group with Amazon CloudFront (IP ranges) by Using AWS Lambda
You can use a Lambda function to update the security group’s rules dynamically whenever AWS publishes new internal service IP ranges for CloudFront.
How to find the current CPU and Memory usage of all the pods in kubernetes cluster
The kubelet acts as a bridge between the Kubernetes master and the nodes, managing the pods and containers running on a machine. The kubelet translates each pod into its constituent containers and fetches individual container usage statistics from the container runtime through the container runtime interface. The kubelet fetches this information from the integrated cAdvisor for the legacy Docker integration. It then exposes the aggregated pod resource usage statistics through the metrics-server Resource Metrics API.
Set up Fluent Bit as a DaemonSet to send logs to S3 bucket
The Amazon S3 output plugin allows you to ingest your records into the S3 cloud object store. The plugin can upload data to S3 using the multipart upload API or using S3 PutObject.
How to run AWS CLI within a Lambda function
Learn how to setup lambda execution environment to run awscli commands.
How to list all instances in all regions from multiple accounts using awscli – AWS
We can use awscli command to list all instances from all regions across multiple AWS accounts using multiple profile names.
How to create kops cluster in existing VPC, subnets, CIDR range and dns-zone
Use kops to create kubernetes cluster in existing VPC and Subnets.
How to install crowdstrike antivirus (falcon-sensor) in kops cluster using additionalUserData
Additional user-data can be passed to the host provisioning by setting the additionalUserData field.