You can download the ARM template from here.
Now login to<your project> and upload the following file to the Repos-
- azuredeploy.json
- azuredeploy.parameters.json
- InstallVSTSAgent.ps1
>>You have Agent pool created. The build agent will be added to this Agent pool.
>>Make sure InstallVSTSAgent.ps1 is uploaded to blob storage and the path added to azuredeploy.json file.
>> Now go to Pipelines–>Builds –> New Pipeline (select classic editor). Select the source, Team Project, Repository and continue
>>On Select a Template –> Start with an empty job
>>Now add a task – Publish Build Artifacts
>>In the task “Publish Artifact:drop“, change the “Path to Publish” to point to template folder
>>Save & queue to generate the build.
>>Once build is completed. On Summary tab, you can see the templates are published in drop artifact.
>>Now go to Pipelines–>Releases–>New Pipeline. Select empty job template. Select Add Artifacts and provide the values
>>Then add a stage to create the Windows build agent. Add a task Azure Resource group deployment and provide subscription (authorize it), resource group, location, template, “Override template parameters” etc and save.
“Override template parameters”
-vmName "$(vmName)" -vmAdminUserName "$(vmAdminUserName)" -vmAdminPassword "$(vmAdminPassword)" -VSTSAccount "$(VSTSAccount)" -PersonalAccessToken "$(PersonalAccessToken)" -poolName "$(poolName)" -virtualNetworkNewOrExisting "$(virtualNetworkNewOrExisting)" -existingVirtualNetworkName "$(existingVirtualNetworkName)" -existingSubnetName "$(existingSubnetName)" -existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroupName "$(existingVirtualNetworkResourceGroupName)" -vmSize "$(vmSize)" -enableAutologon "$(enableAutologon)"
>>Create these parameters and assign values in Variables tab.
>>Create release to provision the VM and build agent.
>>Once completed you will see the VM and the agent in the pool asĀ below-